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Compatible spare parts

OverEngineering > Services > Compatible spare parts
OverEngineering has built over the years a supply network able to respond promptly to the needs of any type of spare parts for extrusion blow moulding machines, also providing special spare parts and compatible spare parts, ensuring the correct operation of the machinery.

At the base of the spare parts service there is firstly the capacity of analysis of the OverEngineering’s technicians which identify promptly the problems and designing the right solutions.

Including the problem and identified the necessary spare parts, OverEngineering can provide the customer in a short time any component, both mechanical and electrical, even creating it ex-novo.

The supply network built over the years allows today to guarantee to our customers clear and time-defined conditions and delivery times, with high and constant quality of each component.

For each component we can provide the right replacement, even creating it from the white-paper.

The spare parts and service supports provided by OverEngineering it fulfils and completes the wide range of specific services dedicated to extrusion blow moulding.
